Thank you for ordering our product. You have made the RIGHT decision by investing your money to purchase this special product.
Your Order Is 100% Successful
Our customer care personnel will give you a call soon to confirm your order and tell you when it will be delivered or Kindle call us at 053 436 1753 to confirm your order immediately
You can also click WHATSAPP US below to chat with us on WhatsApp
You will be called from our office to confirm your order and arrange for delivery of your order. Normally order deliveries do take between 24-48 hours
Make sure your phone number is on and the Money to pay at the time of delivery is available now, please note if you do not have the money ready for this order at the moment, or you will be traveling out of your base within the next week, kindly cancel when we call you to confirm, to avoid fall delivery as we are going to be charged by the delivery company whether they deliver it or not.
Please this is very important kindly cancel if the money is not available right now please.
For order delivery outside Accra and Kumasi below is our MOMO account number for the PAYMENT.
Kindly call after the deposit to confirm. Thanks
MOMO NAME: Sheilla Agnes MOMO Number: 0530224749
For more inquiries call us on 053 436 1753 or WhatsApp us @ 053 436 1753